MENA Impact Academy

MENA Impact Is Now a Certified B Corp!

Managing Climate Strategy

This online course covers the essential aspects of climate change and how a company can take the necessary steps to mitigate climate risks: understanding both the company’s impact on climate and the consequences of climate change on the organization; mastering the regulatory, normative, and scientific context; learning how to build a company climate strategy adapted to the company’s context and meeting external reference standards; understanding the main operational and organizational actions to support the transformation of the company towards carbon footprint management and decarbonization.


100% Digital


30 hours

Program Fee
AED 8,900
Learn at your own pace

Course Objectives

  • Understanding the interactions between climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, and planetary boundaries.
  • Deepening your understanding of the international frameworks for climate change.
  • Mastering the principles of operational tools used to achieve carbon neutrality.
  • Identifying company's climate-related risks and opportunities and aiming for a low-carbon model.


of CEOs now unequivocally feel it is their role to make their business more sustainable

Source: Accenture


of survey respondents have made a carbon-neutral commitment or are working towards one
Source: PwC Middle East 2023

Our satisfied customers
speak for themselves

I gained a deep understanding of sustainability principles but also practical insights that directly contributed to shift to this exciting and impactful field.


Program Coordinator

The online courses have profoundly enhanced my comprehension of climate issues and the essential trajectory for companies to achieve sustainability.


Global Talent and D&I Manager

Thanks to the course, I help organizations to source responsible service providers through my own Impact Assessment tool.
Untitled design (3)


Founder & CEO

What You Will Gain: Strategic Skills

  • Establishing a carbon neutrality strategy
  • Understanding the scientific issues of climate change
  • Assessing the impact of climate on an organization
  • Identifying the organization's impacts on the climate
  • Grasping the concept of carbon pricing

What You Will Gain: Operational Skills

  • Acquiring the fundamentals of a company's carbon accounting
  • Taking action to reduce emissions from scope 1, 2, and 3
  • Mapping out an emission reduction trajectory based on science
  • Assessing a company's climate risks
  • Reporting climate-related criteria through the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
  • Planning the transformation by identifying key stakeholders

Who Is This Programme For?

Managers, Directors, and Leaders of climate strategy

Sustainability & CSR Professionals

Other professionals seeking in-depth training on climate strategies and efforts

What you will learn

You will delve into the essential principles of carbon accounting and emissions reduction, equipping you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the complex landscape of climate action.

Module 1: Climate and Companies

Module 2: The Challenge of Climate Change 

Module 3: The Role of Energy in Climate Change

Module 4: Why is the climate/energy problem so profound?

Module 5: Application case: Calculating a company’s carbon footprint

You’ll explore in this lesson the international climate change frameworks, providing a comprehensive view of global climate action.

Module 1: International Climate Negotiations

Module 2: Carbon reduction targets

Module 3: Mobilizing Carbon neutrality

Module 4: New operational constraints

Module 5: Application case: setting SBT aligned carbon objectives

In this lesson, you’ll explore how companies navigate the ‘carbon’ challenge, balancing risks and opportunities within their business strategies.

Module 1: The double impact on the business model

Module 2: Carbon, a performance criterion making its way into corporate strategy

Module 3: Application case: carbon risk analysis and response to TCFD

Module 4: Assessing the resilience of the value creation model towards climate change

Module 5: Case studies – Examples of value creation models impacted by the carbon challenge

You will delve into the practical steps to achieve carbon neutrality, covering Scope 1, 2 & 3, and learn from real life examples. 

Module 1: Scope 1&2 emissions 

Module 2: Scope 3 emissions

Module 3: Sequestration & offsetting/insetting

Module 4: Case studies – Examples of emblematic carbon reduction programs

Module 5: Application Case: Building a carbon-neutral trajectory

You will learn about the transformative aspects required for a low-carbon model, addressing essential elements to achieve this transformation.

Module 1: Towards a low carbon spirit 

Module 2: Carbon is the new currency

Module 3: Carbon & Stakeholder Interaction

Module 4: Painting the Picture of a Carbon Neutral Society 

Module 5: Application Case : Bringing it all together

What You Earn


We offer a maximum of 6 months’ access to the course on our platform to provide you with ample time for completion. We recommend planning dedicated weekly time to efficiently complete the course.

If you’re not sure whether this course is right for you or not, feel free to schedule a 1-on-1 call with an advisor for personalized guidance. We will help you assess whether the course aligns with your goals and provide more information about its content.

30 hours over 4 months, but keep in mind that this is just an estimate, and your actual time commitment may depend on your prior knowledge, learning pace, and engagement with the material. It’s essential to plan your study schedule accordingly to ensure successful completion.

We offer supplementary learning materials, allowing you the flexibility to concentrate solely on the content of each module. Links to videos, articles, and book recommendations can be explored after completing the course.

This course is designed to provide you with a set of practical skills that will enable you to anticipate and implement sustainable transformation within an organization. You will have the opportunity to complete numerous exercises and practical cases that will allow you to project yourself into real-world professional situations. 

Yes! Our online courses are primarily done asynchronously, and the content is organized into 20-minute modules, allowing you to absorb essential information in a limited amount of time. 

No! Autonomy doesn’t mean solitude, and there are plenty of opportunities for interaction during your learning journey: directly with our support team, among fellow learners in the training through the ‘comments’ section, or through a coaching session with our founder. 

No! Autonomy doesn’t mean solitude, and there are plenty of opportunities for int

We provide additional resources at the end of each module to help you delve deeper into the subject matter, including links to supplementary materials such as scientific articles, expert videos, reports, and more. We also offer a glossary to help you navigate through various acronyms and concepts. 

eraction during your learning journey: directly with our support team, among fellow learners in the training through the ‘comments’ section, or through a coaching session with our founder. 

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Planet, people, doing good for the future with Mena Impact

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