MENA Impact Academy

Impact Box

Involve your entire team in your company’s low-carbon strategy!

This workshop is an effective tool to foster understanding of a company’s sustainability challenges, initiating a pathway to sustainable transformation. Built upon real-life scenarios, it is a powerful way to analyze carbon emissions throughout your value chain, from raw materials to waste. Participants will identify climate risks and associated low-carbon solutions.


Sustainability Experts




6 to 8 People per Team


In Person or Online

Why Organize an Impact Box?

The climate crisis is the greatest challenge of our time. Companies that comprehend the issue and contribute to solutions transform this challenge into an opportunity. We believe in aligning everyone’s understanding. What better way to begin solving a problem than by establishing facts as a team? Our engaging yet informative workshop educates and inspires, providing the ideal foundation for creating a unified action plan.


  • Connecting sustainability challenges to the business world.
  • Raising awareness while avoiding anxiety and frustration in the face of challenges.
  • Initiating a call to action.
  • Fostering teamwork and intelligence around a complex, systemic, and crucial topic for businesses.
Connecting sustainability challenges to the business world.
Raising awareness while avoiding anxiety and frustration in the face of challenges.
Initiating a call to action.
Fostering teamwork and intelligence around a complex, systemic, and crucial topic for businesses.

Skills Developed:

Through an Impact Box learners will develop skills on:

Negative Externalities

Why are environmental and social issues intrinsically linked to the private sector?

Business Risks

How do they represent a new (and accelerating) source of business risk?

New Opportunities

How can sustainability help companies turn these new risks into business opportunities?

3-Step Workshop:

Identify the risks and impacts of your company’s activities. Explore solutions to transform them into opportunities.
Each group presents its work, thoughts, and action plans to the other participants, followed by a time of exchange in a supportive environment.
In the final step, the facilitator provides additional points for consideration, offers well-reasoned corrections, and suggests actions.

The Impact Box workshop is available for the following industries:





"We conducted a specialized awareness session on sustainability for our Executive Committee. Thanks to the Impact Box, each participant was able to better grasp the externalities generated by our activities within our own value chain. At the end of the session, we were able to work on improvement strategies for two of our flagship products. Beyond corporate awareness, concrete actions emerged, informed by robust technical and scientific contributions, along with team cohesion around these critical topics. This personalized session was very helpful and inspiring as we move into the co-construction phase of our CSR action plan."



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